by Jim Lane (Biofuels Digest) … For sure, Britain has historic opportunities in the bioecononmy to take a leadership position by jettisoning the worst of the EU restrictions and adopting new measures to add value to British agriculture, increase British food and energy security, and decarbonize its economy. The EU has been a leader in calling for change in climate policy, negotiating change in climate policy, and failing to deliver very much on climate change results, and the devil has been in the details. The British have an opportunity to take global leadership by taking action on the best and most proven solutions that really drive change, such as Low Carbon Fuel Standard. There’s plenty of waste in the UK to use, and no time to waste at all.
We reported in August that following a July announcement by Velocys that British Airways and Shell invested nearly £3 million in the company, an application for planning permission to build an aviation biofuel production facility near the Humber in North Lincolnshire was submitted for approval to local authorities. Half a million metric tons of MSW is expected to be used as feedstock annually at the proposed site. This is the kind of project that the UK could get behind quickly as a sign of its commitment to a new, revitalized Britain, liberated from the Continent. READ MORE